The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet our Ayi............Xiao Liu!

This is our Ayi, Xiao Liu.  She is my right hand woman. She used to be an Ayi for some friends of ours that just moved back to the States.  I truly don't know what I would do without her.  She, along with our driver, really look out for our family.  They are definelty now part of our family too!  Xiao Liu is so kind and efficient.  She helps me translate and works with me and the girls on our Mandarin.  Not to mention that she keeps one tidy household and is a heck of a cook.  I wonder if she would move back home with us in 3 years??????  Kelly is in heaven having freshly ironed clothes everyday and great meals at night.  Hope he doesn't get too used to it.  Once we go home it's back to hamburger helper and wearing wrinkled shirts to work!!!  LOL
The girls love Xiao Liu


  1. Oh Valerie! You're making me miss her...have some mercy! Luke and I have been saying how we messed up and should have had her come back here for about a month or so before sending her to you. I would be unpacked and organized by now :)

    1. Haha! I'm sorry Kay. If it is any consolation she misses you all too! Man, you guys are a tough act to follow! We love her though. I enjoy her company And she is a better tutor than my actual one. I show her your FB pictures all the time. Maybe some night when you have nothing going on (which is like never) we can FaceTime so she can talk to you. Hope you are all well. Love your new place and the boys football pictures. Good ole American football. I am missing that right now!
