The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday soccer, lunch and foot massages!

On Sunday we started off the day with Club Futbol practice.  Again, we were the only girls there!  It's alright lassie's it build character!  They had fun though and got a good workout in.  We were then invited to lunch at a coworker of Kelly's.  Her name is Chang and she lived in the US with her husband and 3 kids, but is a Chinese nationalist and they are all fluent in Mandarin.......very helpful!  After a great Mexican meal ;)  we all went to the spa for foot massages.  It was heavenly!  They even had those little glass pots that they put a flame in and stick it on the bottom of your foot like a suction cup, then they pop it off.  Just like in the Karate Kid!  Even Kelly joined in the hour long event!
Ella at club Futbol

Julia at Club Futbol

Ella getting her legs rubbed down......she almost fell asleep in the chair! (and of course was a crowd favorite)

Julia and Kelly getting their legs beaten with mallets!

If you look closely you can see the glass bowl stuck to Julia's foot!


  1. This is one thing I will definitely put on my list to do when I get over there. Probably the first thing I would want to do after the long flight. Looks heavenly..

    1. It was! We had fun. It was us 4 and a co worker of Kelly's named Chang and her 3 kids and another guy that just moved here from Deere! We were all lounging together drinking hot water and watching the Olympics in Chinese! They also do hair and full body massages and facials!!
