The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 5, 2012

How many Chinese people can fit in an IKEA store???

We visited the Beijing IKEA today to find items that we need for our house.  The IKEA store here is massive!  It is a 3 story, plus a basement building that had multiple escalators and elevators.  We rode up to the 3rd floor show room and were completely awestruck by how many people were in there.  Ella, who is always quick to comment says, "Wow,  half of China is in this store."  She may have been right.  I am sure that if this were the US, the fire Marshall would be stroking out! 
The store itself was amazing if you could have actually seen any of the furnishings. It literally looked like there were about 1,000 Chinese families living in this store. Some were sitting in the kitchens, some were hanging out in the living rooms, and more than I could count were literally sleeping in the beds and recliners. NO LIE! So we decided to start photographing people sleeping in IKEA. I will only share a few with you. I could have taken many more but I didn't want to disturb them......enjoy!

It took us literally 35 minutes to find our way out of this store.  I was so exhausted I thought about finding a bed and taking a nap.  When in Rome........or China IKEA!

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