The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Friday, August 3, 2012

The DeSmet fang........that's house in Mandarin!

This is our house we will reside in.  They are still working on it so we can't move in until Aug 11.
Our home in Yosemite.  It is 4 stories. (yep that's what I said 4 flights of stairs)

This is in our foyer as you walk in.  It is our very own warrior!!!
(It scared the crap out of Ella)


  1. Yeah!! Tucker has green grassy stuff to wee on! Mr. Warrior is kind of scary..maybe Hello Kitty sunglasses would help him!

    1. Tucker has a back yard full of green grass and a 6 foot concrete wall around it to keep him safe! It shouldn't be hard to find Hello Kitty stuff around here. Even the adults wear it!
