The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 12, 2012

If you've never seen one of don't know squat!!

My friends,  let me introduce you to a staple in the Chinese's called the squatter.  Aptly named because you literally pull your pants down (off in Ella's case) and "squat" over it.  It is a bit tricky at first but I am proud to say that we have mastered this beast.  If you know Julia well, then you know this one was easy for her.  ( Moline United G-99 soccer team), girlfriend can go behind a tree in the woods like it was nothing, ( like she has demonstrated at soccer practice a time or two).  Ella on the other hand, oh Ella!  I've only had Ella pee on my shoes once!!  It was her first attempt at it, and I went with her.  She removed her britches and got on with business.  Then, she asks, "Mom, why is the floor all sticky?"  This is when she got a little careless and missed the target a little, and hit my shoes.  "That my dear, is why the floor is sticky", I quickly replied.  She made a disgusted face and said, "Now,  where is the toilet paper?"  This leads me to the next issue with public restrooms here.  There is not always toilet paper handy!  Some times it is on the wall when you first walk in the restroom, so you had better remember to grab some as you go by. Or, if your in a "not so nice" public restroom you had better hope you have a wad of Kleenex handy!  I myself am going to start carrying a roll of TP in my purse when we go out!  And by god, after three years of using these, I am going to have some strong quadriceps muscles in my legs! 

And yes our hotel and house have actually toilets in them!!!!  Thank heavens!
This is the nicest squatter I have seen.  It was in the Chinese Theater.  I am sharing this one with you to not totally gross anyone out,  but having said that,  the garbage can you see in the back is where the toilet paper goes when you are finished!!

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