The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, August 9, 2012

An evening of haggling at the Silk Market

The Silk Market

The girls from work would have died and gone to heaven with all the knock off purses they have!

  We headed out to take the girls to the shopping center in Beijing known as the Silk Market.  If you are looking for a quiet, peaceful shopping experience....this is not the place for you.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not like confrontation.  Everything about shopping here is confrontational.  Kelly is quite the bargainer though (SHOCKER).  He thinks of this as a competitive sport.  The shop workers will shoot you a high price then you go back and forth until someone caves.  Usually, they will chase you down and try to drag you back to their shop.  "I give you best price" or "very good quality here" is what you would commonly hear being shouted at you.  It was painful for me and Ella, but Kelly and Julia were having a ball.  They have everything from electronics to any kind of knock off  clothes, glasses, purses, shoes or coats that you could imagine.  We made it out with 3 pairs of Beats headphones and 1 enormous headache (mine).  We then enjoyed a sandwich at Subway.  It was very close to being like our Subways in the US with the exception of the chip flavors they have.  Roasted chicken flavored, cheese lobster flavored and some bazaar fish flavored one?!?!?!?  We included a picture for my sister and brother in law that own 2 Subways in Florida!!  I am not sure how well you "eat fresh" there considering it was like 100 degrees in there and the whole glass front of the store opens up, but we enjoyed every single bite!!!  All in all, we had a lovely night together and all enjoyed the city lights as we drove back to our hotel!

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