The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ella's first day of School

On Friday, Ella had her first day of 4th grade at ISB.  I escorted her to school and spent the first half of the day with her.  All of the elementary kids had a picnic lunch with their parents and then lined up with their teachers and spent the rest of the day in class.  Her teacher is Mrs. Reverman and she is very nice!  Ella is one of the 2 American kids in her classroom.  She made friends with a girl from Argentina, India and Korea.  She is very excited to get started because her PE class gets to start a session on swimming.  She will also be making a GLOG (which is a computer journal) on all of her friends, family and summer fun that she has had.  (Thank you Eileen for taking lots of soccer pictures, I have ripped them from you FB and sent them to her teachers email).
She was all smiles this morning when she left for school.  I literally can't wait to go pick her up to hear how her day went!

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