The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Meet the Chinese Ella

Since the girls have been living at a hotel for 2 weeks, they have become friends with many of the staff here.  They all cater to the girls every whim and spoil them rotten......I'm afraid they have created little monsters!  Their favorite has to be a Chinese gal named "Ella".  She is a sweet, beautiful girl, and she is the manager of the executive lounge where we eat our meals sometimes and get endless amounts of fruit, snacks and beverages.  They even have after school snacks ready for the girls when they come up!  They don't see very many kids here so they really enjoy looking out for the girls and providing entertainment (painting nails, listening to American music, watching the Olympics).  Love the staff here, I am going to miss them when we move into our house!

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