The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Julia's first day of Middle School at ISB

It was Julia's first day of middle school today at the International School of Beijing.  She received her Mac Book Pro computer yesterday that most of her assignments will be completed on.  She was pretty excited about that.  Then today was her first full day of school.  She met her homeroom class and was surprised that she was the only American in her class.  There were kids from Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Korea, China, Australia, France, Italy and India.  They all speak fluent English though (or American if you ask Julia).
She got to pick from a list of enrichment classes (additional fun class options) such as digital photography, photo editing, cross fit, team sports, drama, film production, stock market exchange, mushu warrior (martial arts), dance, band, orchestra, barbecue on the grill, table tennis and the list goes on and on.  I am wondering if I can go back to 6th grade!!!!!!
At the end of the day we met her at the front door, where I took the picture of the 30+ Charter buses all lined up waiting to take the kids back to their respected neighborhoods.  There were so many it look like there was a senior bus trip special at a casino!!!  Julia and Ella were mad because our neighborhood is so close to the school that we can walk and what kid wouldn't want to ride a bus like that to school everyday! 
Julia's first day of 6th grade

                                                                   school buses
She had a great day but was exhausted by time we traveled 30 minutes through horrendous traffic to make it back to the hotel.  I think it will be lights out early tonight!!

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