The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Julia's first school dance!

Julia had her first school dance on Friday!  It was for all of the ISB middle school kids.  Of course, Julia had to go in style.  She was rocking a pair of crutches that she received from the school nurse after she sprained her ankle at soccer practice Thursday night.  As if my legs weren't killing enough, I literally had to carry her on my back, home from school after I found her in the infirmary.  It has been fun for her climbing all of these stairs too!!
A couple of her friends from school, that live in the neighborhood, came over and all got ready together.  They are both sweet girls.  Both are originally from Australia and are named India.  Jules returned home and was hurting but had fun!  I asked her if she danced with any boys and she said that one had asked her but she gave the lame excuse that she was on crutches!!! LOL  I thinks she is going to fake an injury every time there is a dance now!!!

Julia, India and India ready to throw some shapes!

Ella and Annique hung out at home with me!!!

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