The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chaoyang Park

On, Saturday, August 18 we ventured out to the Chaoyang Park. It is the largest park in China and used to be known as the Prince's Palace. There is a lot to do and see there. It has paths for biking and walking and lakes for boating and fishing. There is an amusement park within it that has a Ferris wheel, big swings, roller coaster, zip lining, pools, serious laser tag courses and other numerous rides, games and vendors. There are also soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts and several sand volleyball pits that were used for the 2008 Olympics. We could have spent hours there just people watching alone. I will share a few photo's to recap the day.
There were random pools set up for little kids to go "fishing".  They are trying to get goldfish.

I think Kelly would have looked amazing in one of these hats!

This was the giant swings that went so incredibly high and fast that Kelly and I were green the rest of the day!!

The lovely ladies having fun!

Whoa buddy, did you lose something???

Great game prizes.  This one had a random box of turtles!

The cute matching family.  I can't tell you how many families that we see that wear matching shirts.  I am going to have to go shopping and coordinate us all better!

Ella and Julia on what I would have to call the hamster wheel on water!

Now that is one self sufficient toddler!

Baby cheek chillers,  baby chaps, crotchless see them everywhere on babies.  Note to self....don't set your purse in the front of the cart where the babies sit!  Could you imagine trying to go down a slide or play in the sand with those things on??????

Ella and Kelly on the giant swing, before he turned green!

This little girl was one of many running in this big pool area trying to catch live goldfish with a net.  They dumped the poor things in buckets to take home with them.  I am pretty sure there are health violation all over this park!!

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