The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In the hood in Yosemite!

Today is Saturday, August 25 and the girls headed out with the neighbor girls to explore.  They returned home and came up with this great idea to have a lemonade stand.  There were several neighborhood boys that were by the park area trying to sell fish and turtles that they had caught.  My girls have always wanted to do this, but there were only like 2 cars that ever came by our driveway.  So they made a stand out of cardboard boxes and made a batch of the only drink mix I had in the house.......crystal lite Mojito's.  I thought it wasn't a great idea to call them Mojito's though so they called them the sweet and sour drink!  I walked down to check this all out and there were tons of people out and about.  When I got to the "sweet and sour" stand the girls were beaming with pride.  Those stinkers had made about 41 RMB (roughly $7 US dollars)  but they were only selling them for 1 RMB a piece.  I think they need to raise their price!!!  As I walked home I felt tears coming.........this is exactly what being a kid is about!!  I just feel so blessed with this whole experience so far!  Tomorrow the kids are heading back out with some of the "junk" that we brought along that we shouldn't have.  They are going to sell them at their stand............I think we may have some little entrepreneurs on our hands!  Kelly will be so proud!


India (Australia),  Marie (Germany), Julia, Ella and Annique (Australia)

The boys didn't like the girls honing in on their "territory".

The boys collect fish and turtles from this little pond and sell them for a great price!  LOL

Me and Jules hanging out on the swing.

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