The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chinese Acrobats

After the Houtong village we went to the Chinese Acrobat Theater to watch a show.  All I can say is "holy cow" .  This was the most amazing thing that we have ever seen live.  There were several different acts and not a single one of them left us anything less than astounded.  If any of you are brave enough to come visit us,  this is a must see!

This girl was doing acrobatics and balancing on 10 chairs and a huge stand!  Her life insurance premium has got to be huge!

These girls were being thrown and flipped around all while balancing a glass bowl on there foot.

These are 2 dudes that were balancing on each other going up and down the stairs with just 1 arm!.

These 2 home boys were crazy.  They were jumping rope on the outside of these hamster wheels as well!

How many Chinese lady acrobats can you fit on 1 bike????   Well 12 actually!

This may look like a disco ball but inside there were not 1, not 2 but 8 motorcyclists flying around that cage.

Here they all are afterwords.  I wonder how training went when they first started this gig!

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