The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Mommy, can we keep him?"

You have go to be kidding me, right??  In our housing community there is a pet shop.  My children are there on a regular basis playing with the animals and walking the puppies.  At the moment they have 2 adorable Golden Retrievers there.  My girls have fallen in love with the little boy pup called Mau Mau.  I am pretty good at saying NO, but what do you do when they keep walking the puppy to your house?  What do you do when they bring him in your house and play with him? What do you do when you see this cute face? What do you do when you cuddle him and licks you in the face? 
Well.........I'll tell you what you do.  You ask your husband if you can keep him and he says.............NO!  Thank goodness, and then you tell your kids to NEVER bring him to our home again!

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