The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, March 11, 2013

What a difference a day makes!

These are two photos taken out of the same window in an office downtown.  One of my friends husbands took the first one in the morning when AQI (air quality index) was about 600 and the second was before he left work.  We had huge winds that day that caused dust storms that made world news.  It was really great!  I rode my bike up to school to get Ella and about got blown off.  Not to mention the fact that I had just put on chapstick that was perfect to catch all of the sand blowing in my face.  Thank goodness most of it actually stuck to my lips, so that I wasn't picking sand out of my teeth all night.  (true story) The silver lining would be that despite all of the dust blowing around it did blow the pollution out.  By the time my friends husband left work the AQI was 39.  Much improved.......check it out for  yourself!

Picture out of the window in the morning AQI of 600.  Yes that is all smog and pollution!
The same view later that day after big winds came in and pushed the pollution out!

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