The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

You really can't make this crap up!!

Welcome to China folks!  Land of the Forbidden City and apparently in some public restrooms the forbidden bowel movement.  This is a restroom that is at one of our favorite Chinese restaurants here in Beijing.  Ironically, it is called the Brown Door. 
Of course the last time we went as a family, Ella and I both had to go so bad that we forfeited our germaphobia and were escorted outside and around the corner of the restaurant to a metal shed where we found this absolutely fabulous "squatter".  There is no toilet paper and no running water as you can see (which explains the sign).  Around here it is not uncommon to NOT have toilet paper in the "squatters" or "restrooms" so it is always wise to carry tissue or toilet paper and definitely some antibacterial hand wipes EVERYWHERE!  Also, if you notice the rubbish bin, that is where the used toilet paper goes.  ;)  Yep, that is what I said. You can go back and reread it again, but it is what it is!
We have actually gotten pretty good and using these and have gotten past spraying our shoes (uhhum Ella).  Although not everyone hits the hole as you can see all the wet stickiness on the floor.  Good stuff!  All shoes are immediately left out in the entryway upon arrival back home!!(for obvious reasons)
I have lessened my restroom standards, and now will rarely complain at even the worst port-a-pots or gas station facilities when I return home.  On the bright side, at least we have built up our quadricep muscles in our legs. The "squat" is a great exercise! 

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