The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, March 11, 2013

Training for the Great Wall 1/2 marathon!

Since I have been here I have made so many friends.  I have found a group of ladies that Ella and Julia refer to as my "athletic friends".  We do cross fit 3 times a week and alternate that with running 3 times a week.  They are my motivators, my therapists, my idols!  They are Hilary, Wendy, Kasey and Yvette and we are all now in training to do The Great Wall 1/2 marathon in May.  Are we crazy or what???  This race is just going to be a brutal stretch of uneven stairs and ridiculously steep climbs but the view is incredible.
We have been running stairs and going to do training hikes on the wall.  The Great Wall is just amazing in itself and never gets old.  I sometimes have to pinch myself and just stop to take it all in.  The view is breathtakingly beautiful and the architecture that has lasted for a couple thousand years is just astonishing.  Here are some pictures from our last training hike on the wall!
Wendy, Kasey, me and Hilary

These stairs are straight up at 75 degree angle.......brutal!
This is for my Ohio State family!!!!!!!!        


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