The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Middle School Dance

Sorry folks, it has been a crazy busy past couple of weeks so I am behind on updates.  Trust me you haven't missed out on much though.  Nothing too news worthy to photograph or write about!  The highlight of the week was Julia's middle school dance on Friday, which of course means that Salon de la DeSmet was open for business as usual!  We had 6 of Julia's friends over to pre party on the trampoline and eat pizza followed up with hair, makeup, perfume (way to much perfume) and photos.  To add to the chaos and mayhem, Ella had a couple of friends over as well. 
I love it that the girls friends feel so comfortable over here.  Maybe a little too comfortable as Julia's room looked like a bomb had gone off in it and dispersed pre-teen clothes and undergarments EVERYWHERE in it.  I am also pretty sure the perfume was so strong that the neighbors could smell it and possible thought that I was a French Madam running a lady of leisure house!
My good friend Victoria, whose daughter Erica is one of Julia's good friends, came over and took some beautiful pictures of the girls......until her batteries died.  She is an amazing photographer and these are some of the pictures that she took!

After looking at these pictures I couldn't help but think.......Wow, when did my baby grow up to be this beautiful young lady?  Then I thought...thank goodness she was blessed with her daddy's gorgeous long eyelashes and legs.  Finally....thank the good lord that I taught her to fight and punch really hard.  (A big thank you goes out to my brother and sister who rough housed with me my whole life.  Veronica would pin me down and make me fight her to get off and Jarred and I.....well we just would flat out fist fight!) They made me tough and I have tried to instill this in both of my girls.  There is a time to be lady like and look pretty but do it with a mean right hook if it's necessary!! (ya hearing me boys???)

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