The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Break

We were scheduled to go on a holiday to Singapore on April 1, but were rerouted back to the US, with news of the death of Kelly's father.  He had been battling leukemia for several months and due to the chemotherapy, blood transfusions and heart issues, it was a tougher fight than any one man could handle. 
Grandpa Dave passed away March 26th and is now in a place where he can kick back in his recliner, with his old dog curled at his feet, swapping jokes with his father.  A place where his beloved Cubbies and Notre Dame football win every game.  (Note: Mother, this is Dave's version of heaven, not yours, so please don't worry.  In our heaven it will be Ohio State and the Cardinals!) 
Kelly was already in the States on business and fortunately got to see his Dad one last time.  The girls and I flew out of Beijing on Saturday, March 30, for the brief 13 hour flight to Chicago.  It felt great to be standing on US soil again!  Kelly picked us up and we headed for the QC.  Our first stop....Culver's restaurant for a burger and shakes. (Let the ridiculous amount of calories to be consumed begin.)
We finally made it to Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's, where we were thoroughly hugged and kissed.  We were also treated to some homemade carrot cake. (I should have gone directly to the treadmill right then!) We were able to spend Easter with my family on Sunday and did some power shopping on Monday morning.  I can not tell you how much I missed Target and Kohl's!  After the retail therapy and stocking up on some much needed items to import back into China, we had Dave's visitation to attend on Monday evening.
It was very nice to see the DeSmet side of the family again.  Keri, Kelly's sister flew in from Florida, so we got to see Aunt Keri and spend some time with Great Grandma DeSmet too.  It was also very touching to see the people that come to offer their condolences.  Kelly and I both had several friends and coworkers show up to pay their respect and we were both humbled and genuinely touched by their kindness.  There were also a couple of beautiful baskets that were sent from our soccer families and it brought tears to our eyes to receive them and feel their love.  Some of them came to the visitation (they had practice at the same time) but it was so good to see some of them and hug them.  If any of you are reading this, you have no idea how much we miss you all!  
The funeral was the following day and Dave, who was a Vietnam veteran, had a full military burial.  I can't explain the feeling other than pride.  It was a beautiful and powerful send off, with gun salute and "Taps" being played.  Dave ultimately gave his life for our countries freedom.  His leukemia was a result of being exposed to Agent Orange while he was in the jungles of Vietnam.  We have talked to our girls about this and will never let them forget that their Grandpa was an American hero, as are all of our men and women in the military and in uniform!
On Wednesday, the girls got to visit their schools and have lunch with their friends.  It was great to see how tall everyone had gotten and to catch up on the hub bub.  Ella went to spend the afternoon with her "bestie" Kendall.  Julia and I hit the mall again with Grandma for a bit and then we all had a family dinner at my folks that evening.  I enjoyed every second I spent with my family.  I miss my mom and sister so much and the girls miss their third "Amiga", Morgan.  (cousin)
Thursday morning we left bright and early for the long haul back to Beijing. Ya know, it's kind of funny.  When we arrived back in the US the kids said, "It's good to be home" and when we arrived back in Beijing the kids said, "It's good to be home."  I guess home is where your family and friends are.  Glad we have made so many new friends here and gained some new family members too!  Now I am off to take the dog for a run and burn off some of the thousand extra calories I consumed while we were home!  Love to you all!
We love you Grandpa Dave!
Grandpa Dave and Grandma Mary

DeSmet siblings:  Drew, Keri and Kelly

Keri and Kelly

Julia, Kayla (Drew's girlfriend), Drew and Ella

The girls and Great Grandma DeSmet

me and Aunt Happy
Pure craziness!  They miss their cousin Morgie!

Julia, Ella and Morgan

Can you feel the love and adoration.........

My sister Veronica, my mama and me

Me and my sweet sister!

I love my Daddy!  He is the sweetest man I know!


Juila and her buddy Lauren

Ella with her bestie Kendall and her little sis Karsyn.
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