The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ella modeling for Kappa Sports

Ella got another modeling gig for.  This time for Kappa Sports.  She was pretty jazzed about getting to wear "comfortable" clothes and to make a few extra Yuan.  Her only hope was that she did not have to model with any boys.  OH WELL......we get to the shoot and it literally is just her and the adorable boy, Adrian, from the last shoot.  You should have seen the daggers she shot at me with her eyes!!!

She got whisked away to hair and makeup, where according to her they made her look like a "powdered donut".  (Seriously, this kid comes up with some dusies!)  She posed and jumped and smiled and changed outfits about 20 times.  She tolerated holding hands with Adrian and even was tied up to him with a rope.  She maintained a good attitude the whole time until the director wanted her to hug the boy while simultaneously jumping in the air.  This is when she put her foot down and buried her powdered donut face into my chest and said, "I'm not doing it.  They don't pay me enough for that."  Well, either two things were going to happen. #1) They were going to have to bribe her with a lot of money, or #2) they needed to come up with an alternate pose.  So, they let Ella pick out the pose which looked a little something like a karate match.  Good choice kid!
She did a great job though and I can't wait to get the catalog in May, and see the huge photos of my blond baby girl up in the stores!
A touch of lip gloss! little powdered donut!

Resting in between shoots!

Kappa logo..........definitely right about the powdered donut!

Tied up with Adrian!  Don't she look thrilled?

One of the photo's I snapped off of the monitor.

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