The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch out Victoria's Secret here comes Valerie's Secret!

We ventured out on a Saturday afternoon to a huge mall here called Solana.  We had fun browsing around and people watching......people watching us!  We came across the Paclantic store that Ella modeled for and low and behold there was her beautiful little face looking back at us. 
She was also called back to do some more modeling for Paclantic and an athletic company called Kappa.  They needed her to finish up the spring clothing line and get photos for the big print adds that go up in the stores and on billboards.  She decided she would go ahead and do it purely for the money.  Whatever motivates em!  The modeling company said they would mail me a copy of all of her pictures and a few copies of the catalogs when they are done.  Can't wait to see them.  It is rare that I get to see her dressed up AT ALL so to have it right there in print is going to be great! Those of you who know Ella know that her uniform is sweats, t-shirt, ponytail and tennis shoes.  Every once in a while she will dress it up and add a sweatshirt or yoga pants.  Definitely my dress for comfort girl, so it does my heart good to see her in dresses, cute clothes and her gorgeous blond hair down!!  Love her!

Me and Ella at Solana Mall

Ella and one of her pictures in the store.
This is the Paclantic store in Solana.
Ella counting all of the Yuan she has made from her modeling gigs.

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