The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friday night fun at Wangfujing!

It was adult date night on Friday.  Kelly and I, along with our friends the Ricklefs, went out for a fantastic dinner at Din Tai Fung.  They are world renown for there amazing dumplings.  After that we ventured into the heart of Beijing to go to Wangfujing (otherwise known as the night market).  It looks like NYC with all of the lights, stores, restaurants, bars and skyscrapers.  Then you get to the street vendors.  Let me tell you, if you have a hankering for any kind of meat, insect, fish, arachnid, crazy slimy thing out of the ocean on a stick......this is the place for you!  They will fry it up fresh right in front of your eyes.  Some of the more disturbing ones were the baby shark on a stick, snake, huge spider, meal worms, starfish, sea horses, scorpions, dog, marinated donkey penis (yes, that's what I said), octopus, sea urchins, prickly sea cucumber (which is an ocean creature) and some of the strangest bugs I have ever seen: dragonflies, beetles, cockroaches, centipedes.  Yep, it all tastes like chicken!!  LOL  No, I didn't actually eat any of it.  I was too full from dinner, or that's what I said at least.  It is definitely a must see though when visiting Beijing. 

Heather and I in the streets of Beijing's Wangfujing!
Date night

This guys girlfriend wanted to take his picture with me........aahhh OK??!!

Little lobsters and silk worms.

I borrowed these images due to our lack of photos.  These are scorpions and lotus.

seahorse and live scorpions



what the street vendors look like

yep, scorpion on a stick
This was baby shark.

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