The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, October 29, 2012

Harvest time a bit different here!

One of the things that we loved about our house in Illinois was harvest time.  We were totally surrounded by corn fields and it was quite a show watching all of the John Deere combines roll in across the street and clear out a massive field in the matter of an hour.  It's done a little different here!  On the backside of our neighborhood there are a few corn fields.  They are harvested by man power and brought to the back street (behind our neighborhood) and are spread out by a woman with a rake, walking on the corn in her stocking feet, to dry on the sun for a day or two.  The corn is then shoveled back into a cart and taken away.  So this is our "new" and "different" harvest experience.  It is not quite the show we got to see back home but it is still impressive to watch how much physical work goes into it.  The common people here are so much more primitive than what we are used to seeing and they do a lot of manual labor to get their jobs done.  I hope that my children can see this and learn to respect this kind of work ethic and appreciate how blessed we truly are to have modern conveniences!
The corn was drying here for a few days and is now being shoveled up into the blue "Chinese grain truck"  or scooter.

This is a small farm behind our neighborhood.  People live in little shack type houses back in there and they have a small tree nursery, chickens and ducks, and some corn crops.

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