The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, October 29, 2012

A day in the life of a pampered pooch!

Ya know, it is kind of sad when your dog has more of a social life than you do.  Twice a day, Tucker gets (walked, jogged or biked) to the dog park where he has doggy play dates.  He has made a lot of friends there.....and a few enemies.  Really??? Even dogs have drama!!  His best canine friend is a Rhodesian Ridge back named Argo.  He is definitely the Alpha of the dog park.  Tucker thinks he is the wing man and those two love to play rough with each other.  There are several others that he plays with as well though, and they usually run and wrestle so hard that he is usually "tuckered out" for the majority of the day! 
That is Kelly on the bike with Tucker running lickety split next to him.  That dog can run faster than 25 mph.
I was still pedaling behind them trying to snap this picture without killing myself in the process!  LOL

Let the party begin...Tucker is here!  Tucker loves to bark "loudly" at the other dogs to get them all riled up so they will run with him!

On a side note,  it can be slightly amusing and disturbing at the same time watching all the dogs "play bunny hop"  with one another.  Sometimes there will be 4 dogs in a looks like a doggy Congo line!  Ridiculous!!

Tucker is NOT fond of the Sheppard.  So he was put in time out for poor behavior!!

This is Tuckers BFF, Argo.  He is the Alpha of the park. 

What a BABY!!  He is back home and tired from his play date.  He is chilling with his girls and looking a bit sleepy!

And he's done.  Nite nite Tuck D!!  We will go back and do it all over again later this afternoon!!


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