The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, October 22, 2012

1st Chinese Haircut!!

On Saturday, October 14,  we went downtown Beijing to get our 1st Chinese haircut.  NO we did not all come out with bowl cuts!!  We went to a place where one of Kelly's co-workers goes.  It is very nice and the people that work there are lovely (at least I think so....I'm not sure what they were saying so I could be wrong).  Anyway, they seemed very nice and of course snatched the girls right up and were playing with their hair.  They got washed, massaged, cut and styled.  Daddy too! I myself got an hour long full body massage followed up with a hair cut.  I really wished I could understand more of what they were saying because when that guy tried to comb through my nappy, curly hair his face was priceless.  I was a little bit nervous about trusting him with my hair but he did pretty good.  He was a little baffled with trying to style my hair but nothing that a ponytail couldn't fix!! 
My favorite part was watching the whole salon of workers go outside for their morning pep talk or "huddle" as we called it at the hospital.  The whole staff goes out on the front sidewalk and they get in lines.  There are 2 leaders that gave a pep talk and then the music started playing.  They literally did a dance routine for a good 10 minutes and sang to.  I swear it was like a Glee moment or a flash mob!!  I wanted Kelly to video tape it but we were to embarrassed too.  The next time I talk to my friends at Trinity I am going to give them some ideas on how to warm up your employees for the day (I'm talking jazz hands and everything)! 
Getting ready to dance.  I would love to see Kelly's office people do this!
Julia getting her "best hair cut she has ever had"  We asked why she thought that was...."because you can't tell that I got any cut off.  That's the way I like it".  OK......1/8 of an inch was like dust on the floor!  Whatever makes her happy!
Ella getting her hair cut.

Momma was happy after an hour massage and a cut!
We love driving around the massive city of Beijing!  Here are some of the photos that Julia took on the ride home.  These are apartments or condos.
Buildings go for farther than the eye can see!
This is the CCTV building.  It is a unique design and the home office for China television. (The building is more fascinating than their programs,)

Near Kelly's offices.


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