The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat Yosemite style

Halloween was a lot of fun in our neighborhood.  We have never lived in such a huge populated area for trick or treating before.  There were parties at neighbors, donkey pulled wagon rides through the streets, all the Yosemite guards were dressed as wizards and a ridiculous amount of kids scavenging for treats.  After a brief party, the girls took off with their friends for trick or treating and I was left at our doorstep with some real American candy bars (imported by Kelly from the US when he was home on business...FYI: Chinese candy is NOT good), and a bottle of wine to share with my friend and neighbor who was at her stoop.  There were some very creative costumes and some not so creative.  My favorite will be posted below.  He is one of my friends little boys (Julia's friend Rayna's brother) named Rudra.  He was a super hero, but the most super part was he insisted on wearing his underwear on the outside of his costume.  He told his mom that that was how the super hero's did it!  Who could argue with that???
I ran out of candy after the first hour, so when Ella came home she wanted to hand out candy and gave away all of her own candy from her pumpkin.  She didn't want to disappoint all the little kids that came by. (Proud parent moment)  Then, Julia finally graced us with her presence again and gave her candy to Ella after hearing what she did. (Proud parent moment)   It was a fantastic night and we got to bed way to late!!! Happy Halloween everyone!
Yosemite motorcycle guard dressed as a wizzard!

Ella's friend Lulu......Harry Potter something???

My neighbor from across the street....this is actually a Chinese man that scared the crap out of all the kids that rang his bell!

Wagon rides powered by donkey.

Wasn't that nice of them to strategically place that garbage bag so I didn't step in donkey dung the next morning on my AM run!!!

My neighbor went all out with decorating.

Sophia and some other neighborhood kids.

This is by far the most hilarious thing I saw.  Rudra wearing his spidey costume with his undies on the outside.  Because that is how super hero's do it!!!

Lulu and India

This little guys mom made this whole costume!!

Tracy keeping me company and loopy!!!

Our neighbor girl (Tracy's daughter) India.  She is slender man (whatever in the heck that is)

Last but not least the cutest little pirate wench in the whole wide world......Ella Claire!  Julia didn't stay still or around long enough to be photographed.  I have been replaced by friends.  I knew this day would come.....sniff sniff

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