The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lots of Halloween parties this weekend!

Both of the girls were invited to their friends Halloween parties this weekend.  Julia went to a neighborhood called River Garden for a party and trick or treating.  River Garden is where the US embassy families live so they are known for having all of the "good American candy".  Ella, myself, and a couple of her friends that live in our neighborhood all rode into the city for a party at their friend Valerie's apartment.  It was a fun night!
Julia is "Alice in Wonderland". 

Jules friend, Natalia, the hippie!

Vampire Annique and Pirate Ella

Arggg Matey!  Thanks for sending the awesome costume Grandma!!

Maria, Ella, Annique and Valerie

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