The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, September 17, 2012

This witch just got a new broom!!!

All I'm sayin is watch out, this sister has a new broom and isn't afraid to use it!!  I needed an outside broom to sweep the rubbish off of my sidewalk, so Mr Lou and Xiao Liu took me on a little shopping excursion.  We went to a local Chinese shopping area, which was an experience in itself, to get me hooked up.  I was so excited when they brought out these brooms.  These are home made, and what the locals use everywhere.  They even sweep streets with them here!  They were not very expensive at all....about $5 US each and are so pretty.  I know it's just a broom but you should see me go with it!!

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