The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Little Dumplings!

On Friday, the girls came home from school and got a lesson from our Ayi, Xiao Liu, on how to make proper Chinese dumplings.  She was so sweet and patient with the girls and even let our neighbor kids get in on the action.  Ella was a whiz at making them.  She is my little helper and loves to learn to cook and bake, so this was right up her alley.  Julia humored us all and made one dumpling.  She would much rather eat them and  have someone else make them for her.  I don't know if it is too soon to tell, but I am pretty sure I can see which of my kids is going to be more domesticated and which one better get a great job or marry rich!!
Ella and Xiao Liu making dumplings.

Julia decided to check out the action (and see if there was anything to taste test)

Ella has it down.  Perfect my little dumpling!

I had to get this on may not happen again for a very long time.

Oh!  See mom, I can be a domesticated goddess.......but I prefer to be just a goddess and get take out!

The neighbor girls get in on the action!

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