The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, September 10, 2012

Club Football!

This Sunday, September 9th,  the girls had their first Club Football games.  They played 3 games each of friendly matches with the other Club Football teams.  Ella played her matches first, and out of the 4 teams was the only girl playing.  She did such a good job though! She plays on a team named the Puma's. She played just as tough as any other boy out there and was definitely more skillful than a lot of them.  She had her signature blond ponytail flying behind her and a 1000 watt smile the whole time.  There were several parents that came up to us to tell us how impressed they were with our littlest darling! 
Julia played her matches next.  She is on a team named the Corinthians, which is one of Brazil's top pro teams.  There is one other girl on her team, which is nice!  They let her older sister play with on Sunday but they said she is too old to play in the league games with them.  Too bad......nice to have some more female camaraderie.  They are nice girls from Maryland and are in the same situation as we are.  They played on travel teams as well but couldn't find any girls competitive soccer here.  Julia and her new friend Nelia are the only 2 girls in the 2000-2001 league and are definitely out to prove themselves.  Nelia is a defender and held her own, and Julia is playing outside mid and forward and would like nothing more than to make the opposing boys look stupid!  (her father would like this as well) 
Both of the girls played well and had a great time!  It's not the same as their Moline United teams though.  The girls miss their teammates/ friends so much!  We still do weekly score checks on them to see how everyone is doing.  Coach Kelly sat on the sidelines with me (finding it hard to contain himself) and told me he would put either of his girls teams up against these boys here anytime!  I think he is missing Moline United as much as his daughters!
 It was a hot day here, so we went back to the club house for a dip to cool off when we were done!  At least the day seemed like a normal weekend with getting to be at soccer for about 4 hours!!  We loved it!!!!
Ella Claire struttin her stuff

Oh no I'm NOT going to let you push me around!

Break away...................

Eat my dust boys!!!!

She may be the only girl and a lot smaller but this girl can hold her own!!

Coach Ally and the Puma's

A very proud and happy Ella!

Julia takes the pitch by storm!

One of the parents told me that the other parents were glad Julia was on the team.  They said "that girl is going to surprise the other teams".

Julia and her team coming off the pitch. 

I am so going to own you dude!!

She thought the uniform made her look like a boy............I think NOT!

Julia Renee in her Club Football uniform.......wishing it were maroon!!

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