The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, September 6, 2012

At the 798 Art district of Beijing......being a lady who lunches with other PTA moms!

Tuesday I hopped a bus with several other PTA mom's to head down to the 798 district. This is the art district in Beijing and it is just quaint! The streets are beautiful and filled with art galleries and live musicians, people strolling around and nice restaurants. We had a great time! I met a lot of other new ex pat mothers and swapped stories about crazy experiences that we have all encountered. I am just going to share some of the photo's that I took. I really love them and may have some framed or put on canvas. The ones on the bottom are some that I shot and edited.  Hope you like!
The 798 Art District of Beijing
This statue was a huge metal running man
Dinosaurs in a cage????

Well, no kidding.....what's NOT made in China?????

These were some beautiful black and white photos of the hutan or original streets of Beijing.

My friend singing.........and some random woman.  JK that is my friend Tracy.

Ya know.....I'm not really sure what the heck this is.  One animal carcass and some robotics and viola, it's art!!

Really cool mural painted on the wall

I know right???  This was actually really creepy.  I looked at it for a long time.  He or it was covered in real fur. Fur-real creepy!

Acid trip + painting murals = this

Is this what novice tattoo artists practice on????

Really funny.....this artist had a sense of humor.  Fresh air intake???

These guys made me laugh.  The Chinese stooges!

Really cool mural

This was carved out of stone. 

A cute little girl that I caught on film.
I love this picture.  This man is carrying his girls purse and holding an umbrella for her.  Ya, see that Kelly???

What can I say Big Mac = Big Mama!
This ferocious guard dog had one of the worst under bites I have ever seen!
A stair way that I thought was pretty!

This was the coolest phone booth and mural.
This motorcycle was so cool sitting there!
I love this pic I took of some old bikes!

I don't have the foggiest idea what the heck this is???  Scary.
PTA mom's.  I am in the back in the cage....appropriate I thought!

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