The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shopping at the Metro!!!

Yesterday, my friend Heather and I took a shopping trip to the Metro.  It is a mall with a store in the basement that I could compare to the Chinese version on Sam's Club.  We had fun checking out all of the crazy things in the store and thought I would share a fraction of the items in this store that make you go hmmmm????????? P.S. Love you Heather for taking pictures for me and helping me venture out more!!
Dried Duck Tongue anyone????

Or perhaps you prefer the Duck Gizzard......

Hee Haw.....I bet the spiced Donkey meat really tastes like.............Donkey!!

Here we have a new hybrid called tiger skin chicken feet............interesting!

There were several choices of eggs, these were speckled quails eggs.

Lost in translation!  This reads:  SUGGESTION: Don't be big the mouth when children is eating, so as mot to choke, thanks!

Oh good they have pigs feet....I am sure these will be a hit at my next dinner party, but where is the rest of the pig??

OOoohh, great, here it is.  I was starting to worry!  FYI:  We had to enter the meat locker for this and it was COLD!

Now,  what do you use to cut that pig with.....maybe this will do.  If not I can always use it as a scare tactic with Kelly and the kids!! 


  1. I know right!!! I am not sure which of these pictures are more disturbing than the other!! LOL!

  2. Hey Valerie and family! I miss you guys! That's gross!
