The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, September 17, 2012

More Great Wall photos!

What ever you do, don't look down!!

I pitty you fools....

I had to pay him 100RMB to be in a picture with me!

Yep, you betcha....we hiked up those stairs! I should have a rump like a quarter horse after that!

Jules having a break.

This watch tower was really pretty.

I get this look a lot!!  I have no idea why??!!!??

Coming down the mountain.

National past time!

Yep...can you say sucker...that lady that took my picture...well she got a hold of me on the way down.  She make me a good deal for a cola.  Since you so nice I sell it to you for 65RMB (that is equivalent to almost $10 US)  I got her down to 20 RMB which is still over $3 for a banged up, hot diet coke.  I decided to frame it!


  1. Great pics! I can hear my brother saying "Are you takin' another picture Val-er-eee?" Then a nose tip squeeze to!

    1. That's about right! They have now started calling me the Valaratzi! What ever....
