The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mid-Autumn Festival Photoshoot

Well, it has been a rather slow and relaxing weekend here to kick off the Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival.  The kids are on break this week from school and all activities.  Most of the ex-pats leave Beijing and go on holiday somewhere fabulous.  Because Kelly is back in the US this week for business meetings, and we just recently got our dog out of hock, we decided to lay low this week and hang out here at home.  This is a big week here in China.  I have heard fireworks going off for probably the last 4 days and from what I here it will continue all week long.  Tradition here is to also give "moon cakes" to friends, co-worker, employees.  Kelly bought 3 beautiful moon cakes for our driver, Ayi and his employees at work.  They are usually filled with dates, nuts, seeds and bean paste.  I did sample one, but until they start filling them with M&M's or some sort of chocolate....this girls is okay with not receiving one again!  Some of the other traditions are matchmaking...(and I don't mean match sticks) I guess they hold dances to "help" young men and women find partners to see if sparks fly....okay so maybe it is matchmaking in the other reference.  They also float sky lanterns.
Since we are just lounging here, we decided yesterday to take advantage of the beautiful weather we are having (and low pollution) and do an impromptu photo shoot in our neighborhood.  All of the pictures of the girls were taken here in our neighborhood just within a hundred feet from our house.  There is a beautiful little cobblestone walk way that runs in between the houses and follows a stream.  At the end there is a pond that is covered in lily pads and you can find neighbor kids frog catching.
Happy Mid-Autumn!
Going down our street

These are the door ways that line the streets in our neighborhood.

Julia Renee almost 12 years

Ella Claire 9 years old.

Our home away from home.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

International Day at ISB!

On Friday, the girls celebrated International Day at their school.  Everyone wore clothing to represent where they were from.  They had a parade in the school stadium with traditional Chinese drums playing.  The different continents were represented by the kids from that area carrying a banner and their countries colors proudly being displayed through clothes, flags, hats and face paint!  There was Oceania, North Asia, South Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Europe.  I (of course being the sap that I am) had to choke back the tears as the kids paraded past.  It was one of those wow moments when you realize that your family is surrounded by so many different back rounds and cultures, but everyone is really similar in the way that we all want to raise good kids and be good humanitarians. 
Following the parade there was a potluck dinner with foods from all over the world.  We had a beautiful dinner on the lawn of the school with entertainment provided by several of the school kids dance groups performing different dances from all over the world, singing from the school choirs, traditional Chinese martial artists, local Chinese artists that made amazing figurines for the kids out of clay and blown sugar and high school rugby matches taking place in the stadium.  There was a boys and girls rugby tournament going on at ISB all weekend with international schools all over China participating in them.  Let me just say that I have NEVER seen anything as brutal and crazy as girls playing rugby.....concussions, broken collar bones, dislocated shoulders....NUTS! 
We had a great time at International Day and were exhausted when we returned home at 9:30 that night!
Some of the teachers at ISB doing the traditonal Chinese drumming!

South America started off the line up.

Followed by Oceania....this group was actually quite large! My Aussie neighbor girls were carrying the banner!

Europe!  Several of thes are also neighborhood kids!

Where's Waldo or Julia in this case???

Can you find Ella Belle???  She was sporting her USA soccer jersy signed by non other that Brandi Chastain!!

North Asia, North America and Europe

South Asia and Oceania

Oceania adn South America


Olivia, Julia and Clare

Aussie India, American Olivia and the always fabulous Indian Rayna representing there countries!
(These are some of Julia's fantastic friends)

Dinner on the lawn at The International School of Beijing!

I was waiting for that gigantic top to fly off that string and crack me in the forehead!  He was good though!

Ella waited patiently for 1 hour and 45 minutes for this man to make her a clay masterpiece! 

All the countries flags are represented in the hallways of ISB

Ella and the schools sign

My social butterfly and some of her buds!

Please Mom, don't embarrass me......with India, Italian Tommy and Leah

This is Julia's locker with her ISB soccer sign!!

My Little Dragon Award Winner!

Ella was selected by her teacher to be a recipient of this months Dragon Award.  She was presented her award at a breakfast, before school by her Principal and Vice Principals.  Her award read, "For embracing her new school and new life in China with enthusiasm and a positive attitude!"
Ella Claire,  we are very proud of you!  Both of you girls have taught me more about being open minded and truly finding joy in all things!  These life lessons that they are learning now will follow them throughout their lives, and will hopefully help them to be the kind of adults that make a positive and inspirational impact to those around them.....where ever in the world they end up!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shopping at the Metro!!!

Yesterday, my friend Heather and I took a shopping trip to the Metro.  It is a mall with a store in the basement that I could compare to the Chinese version on Sam's Club.  We had fun checking out all of the crazy things in the store and thought I would share a fraction of the items in this store that make you go hmmmm????????? P.S. Love you Heather for taking pictures for me and helping me venture out more!!
Dried Duck Tongue anyone????

Or perhaps you prefer the Duck Gizzard......

Hee Haw.....I bet the spiced Donkey meat really tastes like.............Donkey!!

Here we have a new hybrid called tiger skin chicken feet............interesting!

There were several choices of eggs, these were speckled quails eggs.

Lost in translation!  This reads:  SUGGESTION: Don't be big the mouth when children is eating, so as mot to choke, thanks!

Oh good they have pigs feet....I am sure these will be a hit at my next dinner party, but where is the rest of the pig??

OOoohh, great, here it is.  I was starting to worry!  FYI:  We had to enter the meat locker for this and it was COLD!

Now,  what do you use to cut that pig with.....maybe this will do.  If not I can always use it as a scare tactic with Kelly and the kids!!