The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Yosemite mini marathon on Mother's Day!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning for Mother's Day and our neighborhood held a "mini marathon" for the whole family.  Kelly, the girls and I, along with a couple of families that we are friends with all gathered bright and early for the race.  The kids were supposed to run a 3.5 km (which is roughly 2 miles) and the adults were running a 9.5km run (6 miles). 
Promptly at 8:30 we all lined up and were ready for action.  The gun went off and the kids took of sprinting like they were on fire.  This quickly turned into a jog, by the end of the street when they realized they had a heck of a lot farther to go...  ALOT farther!  Sometimes things just seem to get lost in translation here in China and those poor little darlings ended up running 3.5 miles.  They were spent by the end of the race!
The adults had a little bit different course to "add" the extra miles in there.  Kelly, of course, took off like he was shot out of a cannon followed by me and two of my friends that I run with here.  We are all training partners for the Great Wall half marathon so this race was nothing out of the norm for us.  We enjoyed our run together and ran it at a really good 8 minute/mile pace. We passed by Julia (who shot daggers at me with her eyes)and her friend, and Ella and one of her friends (they were doing more socializing than running). I ended up getting 2nd place for the women and Kelly got 2nd place for the men.  He actually should have gotten first place because the guy that came in in front of him messed up on the course and took a wrong turned that luckily shaved a 1/2 mile or more off his distance. 
At the end of the race we got called to the podium to collect our prizes.  Kelly and I both received personal humidifiers, for second place, that are about the size of your fist and 2 free estimates for a home theater system (home theater not included).  The best part was when my 2 friends sons got up on the podium to receive their joint award for 3rd place for the kids race.  Their faces were priceless when they both pulled out a bottle of red wine.  Yep that is what I said!  What 10 and 11 year old boy wouldn't love a good bottle of red wine.  I should have traded them for my humidifier!
All in all, Mother's Day was just amazing.  We got to run a race as a family, watch Julia play soccer, go out for a bite to eat and because of the physically exhausting day the kids were down for the count early!  Ahhhhhh! 
I will try to post pics on this later!

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