The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Fair at ISB

Every year at ISB school the PTA puts on a Spring Fair that is really pretty impressive.  There were tons of vendors and games going on.  Lucky me got to run the "Buzz It" game.  How on earth I got assigned to that game is beyond me.  I must be on the poop list or something because it was the most annoying game EVER!  It was like a huge game of operation where you try to slide a ring around this coiled wire without touching it to the wire or you get "buzzed".  I think there may be permanent hearing damage involved but what the heck....the kids loved it!
Julia's cheerleading squad also performed a dance routine that was really quite good.  There were also different shows and entertainers performing various things.  One of the Chinese skits involved volunteers from the audience and Ella, who was vigorously waving her arms, got picked to go up on stage.  I had no unearthly idea what they were going to do but I never imagined it would involve putting some little kids in a huge plastic bag in the 90 degree heat!  Only in China!  They had the kids introduce themselves and then put them all in the huge plastic bag that was standing up tall.  Once in the bag, the clown (literally it was a clown) that was inside with them had them all sing a song and talk.  Low and behold the bag was full of helium.  I am not entirely sure that is safe, and I am sure that you couldn't do something like this in the US, but in China anything goes.  I thought I had seen it all but never expected to see my kid do something like that.  So imagine my surprise when I went past the stage again, after Ella's soccer practice, and saw my eldest daughter inside a giant plastic bag sounding like a chipmunk!  Really?  My kids have no sense of self preservation.  Everyone turned out fine and their voices don't sound like the Chipmunks anymore......well Ella's voice pretty much always sounds like that anyway!! Sometime I just have to shake my head!  Love them!

Ella was asked by West Hair Design to be a hair model. 

This is what became of braid and a blue bun!

Ella up on stage. (The other little girl is our friends daughter Ella too.)

4 kids and a super hero clown all in a huge plastic bag full of helium. (on a 95 degree day)

Julia and the ISB Dragon middle school cheer team.

Nice toe  touch!


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