The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Great Wall Half Marathon

Saturday, May 18, 2013 at approximately 3:45AM, my alarm went off.  Time to get up and get moving because it is going to be a long day.  A large group of us were meeting at 4:15 to head toward Tianjin for the Great Wall Marathon.  We trained together for months, for this moment, and it was finally here.  My girlfriends and I had done Cross Fit 3 times a week, and run 3 days a week for months, and the bond that we have forged together is pretty sacred.
After a couple hour car ride we arrived at the Wall and prepared for battle. (This of course included using a public Chinese restroom...ugg) We got our numbers on, laced our shoes up, drank some liquids and headed for the starting gates.  There were a couple thousand other racers eagerly awaiting, including another gal from my home town!  (Way to go Shelly Wallace!) 
The Great Wall Marathon is not an easy feat.  It has been ranked #1 on the list of hardest marathons of all times.  The first 3 miles are going up a steep, curvy hill.  Once you have accomplished this hill you thankfully get to the portion of the Wall were you continue to ascend 5,000 or so steps.  Not only are the steps a tough challenge, but some of the ascents and descents are very steep. At these particular parts you really have no choice but to walk or practically climb.  One false step and your race is likely over.  The challenges don't end there.  The race then takes you through rice fields and villages, where lots of local people and children are enthusiastically cheering you on.  Thankfully the half marathoners get to venture back after that, but the full marathoners have to pass the finish line and go back up the wall for a second brutal go of it.  It usually takes them 5-6 hours to finish the race.
I ran with my pack of girls through the race.  I felt so good and was really just letting myself enjoy the whole experience.  I had a bobble coming down a steep, uneven part of the wall and rolled my ankle a bit but not enough to stop me.  One of my girlfriends literally wiped out on an uneven, rocky dirt road but got up dusted herself off and kept on going. 
We finished the race in 2 hours 30 minutes, which is not even close to my best half marathon time but all things considered it wasn't to bad.  I ended up finishing 11th for my age division.  My friend and I are already contemplating whether we are going to do the full next year or the half again for time.  (We must be out of our bloody minds.) 
All in all it was an absolutely amazing experience!  I couldn't have done it without my awesome friends. (I love you ladies!)  They are my inspiration to be a better wife, mother, athlete and live a good, healthy life. 
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting ready to go!
The whole motley crew that drove down together!
My friend took this of me as I was going down!

But then we had to go back up!

Straight down again. You couldn't imagine how steep some of these steps are!

We still have to get all the way down there and then run 8 more miles!
DONE!  My training partners: Joy, Kasey, Hilary, me and Wendy!

After party that night at the Swan bar and grill!  Strong, healthy, beautiful friends!

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