The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Friday, May 3, 2013

Flat Stanley visits China! I know that I am way behind on this blog, but between training for the 1/2 marathon, Chinese lessons and working on Flat Stanley projects I haven't really had extra computer I am back at it again.
If you haven't heard of Flat Stanley, let me explain.  He is a paper boy from a book that is supposed to travel through the mail to visit and learn how other people live in the world.  My kids both did this in 2nd grade at their school, so now it is my turn to give back.  There were 2 family friends whom sent me their Stanley's, so we were on a mission to hit up as many spots in Beijing as we could and show them how the DeSmet's live here in China.  It was really pretty fun and made me realize how different and yet the same things can be. I will share with you some of the pics that were my favorites and hope that Kaleb and Megan enjoyed them (and their chopsticks) as much as we did!

Stanley at HoHi lake

Checking out the local cuisine.
Stanley meeting my friends at Cross Fit!

Meeting my friends and some of the interesting ways of traveling here.
Stanley on The Great Wall of China with a couple getting wedding pictures taken.

Stanley and my tutor Simon.

Stanley, Mr. Wei (my friends driver) and a very little "smart" car.  Easy to find a parking spot with one of these babies!

Stanley at our house!

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