The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Summer Palace

Visited the Summer Palace in Beijing.  It is the largest and most well-preserved park in China and is beautifully landscaped with amazing views all around it.  It covers 720 acres (3/4 of that is water) and is known as the Museum of Royal Gardens and was where all of the royal families came to rest and relax. I will spare you the history lesson and just show you some pictures.
It was a holiday here in Beijing and the Chinese people were out in full force!

This is a bronze Qilin statue.

Beautiful flowers everywhere.

This man was playing and singing.  Oh boy!  I am not going to be adding him to my Pandora play list anytime soon!

If you can see through the thick haze of pollution, there are lots of boats.  Use your imagination. 

The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.  (Whatever that means)

The kids love going sight seeing.  Can you just not see the joy and wonder in this face??

A pavilion.

Hang in there little ladies, we are almost done.

The marble boat.  Why? Because who doesn't need a marble boat. 

Me and the hubs enjoying our bangbing (popsicle).

Photo bomb

Ella eating the worlds largest piece of broccoli.  Never a dull moment with this child!

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