The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Flat Stanley in Beijing

We had 2 Flat Stanley projects again this year.  Flat Stanley, if you don't know, is a paper boy that travels the world and then journals his adventures to share with the kids when he returns.  I love this because it makes us take a look around and realize all of the cool, interesting and sometimes bizarre things about life here in China!
The Stanley's went everywhere with us and not only hit Beijing but Bangkok, Bali and Singapore as well.  Here are some of the Flat Stanley photos.....   some of these didn't make the cut for the project.  I'm sure you can see why!
Ella with a piece of civet poop.  I do not know which was more disturbing, the fact that she was making it look like Flat Stanley was dropping a deuce, or that she was actually holding a piece of poop in her hand.  Wrong on so many levels!

Again, this is what happens when you drink too much beer and ask Kelly and his friend to get a picture of Flat Stanley with the lychee fruit.  Yep, this too didn't make the cut.

Flat Stanley on a boat in Bali.

Stanley in Singapore.

Stanley on my training run on the Great Wall of China.

Stanley shopping at a market.  He is trying to decide if he wants frog, turtle or sea snake for dinner.  Blech!

Stanley in the meat section of the market.  I love this because Julia is actually gagging from the smell.  I think it gives a way better description of the situation.

Stanley hanging with some of the neighborhood kids.  The pollution was bad that day so we made him a mask too!

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