The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, May 12, 2014

Selfie Booth at the Spring Fair

Oh it is that time of year again.  The dreaded school sponsored Spring Fair.  Because I am friends with the heads of the PTA, there is no way of getting around volunteering to run a few games.  (As much as I tried)  Last year I got to run the noisiest game known to man, so needless to say I was a bit leery.  This year my friend Hilary asked me to join her in running a game (misery loves company) so I reluctantly said sure.
Our game................. the selfie station.  Now that is one spring fair game I can crush! But first let me take a selfie!       #bestspringfairEVER

Julia and her buddy 
Ella Claire (Do I need to be concerned about this one?)

Ella and her friend

I think we were our best customers!

Ella's mates

There are no words

Me and my buddy Hil crushing the selfie station!!

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