The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chinese Medicine

I just had to share this......
My tutor came over for a lesson and brought this big bag of ....things.....  I had no idea where this lesson was going but, whatever.  He laid them all out and explained that this was traditional Chinese medicine for his wife to take.  Evidently, she gets chilly when she is inside of their house.  What the heck?  The Chinese witch doctor is treating her with these twigs, bark and hair of the dog to help her so she doesn't get a "chill" in her house anymore.  My tutor said she boils all of a cauldron (that is what I am envisioning anyway) and drinks it every night.  I asked if it tasted good and he said, "Oh my, NO." (shocker)
I don't know but don't you think it would be easier just to buy  her a sweater?

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