The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, June 27, 2013

And we're outta here!!!

We are wrapping up the end of our first year in China and heading home for the summer.  We are super excited to see family and friends and to go shopping in awesome grocery stores! (Ok, so maybe that's just me) We are leaving Beijing and flying into San Francisco then to Chicago where we will hang out over night.  Then we leave from Chicago to Bradenton, Florida to spend some time with Kelly's family for a week and then back to Illinois for the remainder of the summer.  The down side is we have to leave our sweet Tucker behind in China.  Thank goodness our Ayi and her husband have agreed to live in our house for 3 weeks and take care of him until Kelly returns.  Xiao Liu is so good to him and he loves her too.  I still find it amazing that he understands when she speaks Mandarin to him.  My dog is smarter than me.....that's a bit sad!!

I can not believe how fast this year flew by.  I can honestly say that I have no regrets about moving to China.  We all love it and have grown so much as a family and individually.  I think that the life experiences the kids will gain far outweigh anything that they may be missing back in the States.  I can only pray that this will give them an open mind to diversity, an opportunity to learn a second language, a realization of how precious time spent with our family is, and the inspiration to explore this amazing world we live in!

 There is a quote on the wall at the kids school that says, "Those who don't travel have only read one page of the book." Amen!


Tucker.....pouting the minute the suitcases came out!

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