The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, July 8, 2013

Great Leap Brewery in the hutongs and Cross Fit Beijing

Oops!  I have to backtrack a little here.  My friend shared these pictures with me late and so I didn't get them on here in the correct order but thought I would still share them anyway.
A couple of weeks before we all headed back to our home countries, we had one last hurrah to celebrate with all of the friends that will not be returning to Beijing this upcoming year.  We had a great night out in the hutongs of Beijing at the Great Leap Brewery for some good pizza and even better beer!  (too much beer)
All of my ladies!

Sporting our air filtering masks!  (I don't really know what else to say for myself...too much beer)

Hilary and Yvette.......Love love love them

My friend Joy got all of us ladies a personal urinal to aid in splash control while using a squatty one on my nose had not been used before....I promise you!
And the guys!

People ask me all the time, "What do you do to keep yourself busy over there in China?"  Well, let me tell you.  I find plenty to do!  3 days a week I do Cross Fit training with some of the coolest ladies (and guys) that I know.  Cross Fit is basically cross training with weights and cardio, and I honestly feel stronger than I ever have.  I am not going to bore you to death with the details because I am NOT one of those super crazy, obsessed Cross Fitters that talk about it ALL the time, but I do enjoy a little friendly competition and the support that we give each other.  It makes working out so much fun....what...did I just say that?

Getting ready to dead lift.

Me doing pull ups....that's right..... I said pull ups!

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