The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Beijing Marathon

So....I know that there are a lot of people that wonder what exactly I do with my time here.  One of the things I do is enjoy the extra time I have to workout with some of the coolest ladies I know.  We do Cross Fit together 3 times a week and we have been training for marathons. 
The latest conquest was the Beijing Marathon in which we ran the half.  It starts at Tiananmen Square and goes through the heart of the city.  The crowd of people doing this race is insane! I believe there were more than 30,000 runners.  When we were in the gates to start, it felt like a Chinese mosh pit!  We were crammed in like sardines and everyone was pushing .  Claustrophobia was kicking in big time! 
These races always amaze me.  You will see people running that you think have no business doing a marathon......until they hang with you through the race or even worse...pass you!  I witnessed a man smoking and running, 64 nuns running in proper habits and everything, a person in a reindeer costume, people running in blue jeans (this always kills me....the chaffing must be horrible) and my personal fave.....a lady in fashion purple studded high tops!  (I think this one irked me the most.  This chick bounced in close to my time. Although I think she started sooner than I did but GEESH!)
We made it across the finish line in 1:57 minutes and some odd seconds.  Not to shabby for an old lady!  The best part was getting to do this race with "my teammates".  I couldn't ask for a better support system here.  Love them dearly and cherish every grueling minute with them!
Prerace in front of Tiananmen with Kasey and Hilary!
Selfie's on the car ride in!

Heading to Tiananmen Square to check in.

People everywhere!

Some of the nun's getting ready to run!

We did it!!

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