The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, October 31, 2013

International Day at ISB

The kid's school they attend, The International School of Beijing, has a big celebration every year called "International Day".  It is where they celebrate all of the different nationalities that come together here to learn under the same roof. 
They have a full on parade of countries, kind of like the Olympics, where the kids are all decked out in attire that represents their home countries.  There are games and a dinner put on by the PTA, and just guess who ran the middle school's chaos kickball game.......that's right.....THIS GIRL!!  I seriously recruited all of the boys in Julia's grade for fear that we wouldn't have a good turn out and low and behold they showed up!  We had about 40 kids playing a massive kickball game and it was a hoot! 
The community really comes together to celebrate International Day and it is always a good time!  I think that the best part of the kids going to an international school is that they are educated on the differences and similarities of other cultures just by hanging out with their piers.  Pretty cool!

Ella proud to be an America!

This picture is actually hilarious to me.  This is my friend Hilary.  She is holding the score board that shows how badly my kick ball team is winning!  I love this picture........good stuff!

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