The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, October 7, 2013

Girls night out in honor of one of the greats!

One of the best parts of this whole experience has been meeting people from all over the world.  I have met some really neat people and have made some amazing friends.  The only problem is, people are constantly moving in and out of the neighborhood, which means it feels like every few months we are saying goodbye to someone.  This time it was my good friend Yvette.  She and her family are relocating to London, so we will definitely be going to visit her. 
We went out for dinner and drinks with the girls and celebrated our good friend.  Yvette, you will be missed more than you can imaging!
Me, Yvette, Jen, Hilary, Kasey and Joy

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