The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summertime Photoshoots of the girls!

I have been trying to work on my photography skills.  The best subjects that I have are my own children, which is okay because I love seeing them through my lens and documenting all of their milestones and events.  I am amazed at the beautiful young ladies they have become and can't wait to look back on all of these photos and see how they have grown as well as my photography skills.  I have a long way to go but am enjoying the journey!
Just simply Julia! 

This edit was kind of a joke.......future rock star!




Took a bunch of static for her having tinted lip balm on.  She is growing up........get over it! lol
Ella Claire.....she's a tough one to get to sit still long enough. 

My sweet little pistol.
Watering Grandma's flowers!

She was ready to be done (if you can tell by her expression) but I love this picture!

Had trouble with lighting on these two...
not the best pictures but the subject was beautiful!

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