The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to School!

The day we have been looking forward is time to go back to school!(Or maybe that was just me thinking that)  The girls really do love their school here.  It is the International School of Beijing and I cannot tell you how fabulous it is!  Julia is now in 7the grade and Ella is in the 5th grade.  I can't believe how quickly time flies by when you are having fun! 
My two little darlings have started to become young ladies and we are so very proud of the both of them.  I think that the best thing that has come out of this whole China experience is the global awareness that my children have acquired.  It is so important to learn about other cultures and their perspectives about the world.  I think they have both gained self confidence, independence and have become more intellectually mature.  I also think that it gives them a new appreciation for our own culture and country. 
There is a poster hanging on the wall at the kids school that says, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine  We are starting to thumb our way through "the book" now and loving the stories that are told.  It is my hope that Julia and Ella will continue to be inspired by our experiences and travels here, and go out and keep exploring the world on their own.  I believe that knowledge of other cultures is the key to understanding and respecting other fellow human beings.  The world is really amazing, so go out and explore!!  (I will now exit soap box)
Ella 1st day of 5th grade with her Swedish friend.

Julia on her first day of 7th grade.

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