The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer fun in Illinois!!

So, I know that I am extremely behind on this blog has been kind of a chaotic yet good summer.  So, where do I start?  We flew from Florida to Illinois on June 20 and were greeted at the airport by my Mom, sister and niece.  It was awesome for the girls to see their cousin Morgan again.  They are like the 3 Amiga's.  They are all very close in age and really are more like sisters!   My mom and dad were ecstatic to get their hands on their granddaughters again, and I was just happy to be with my people! 
Things were off to a good start until my mother hurt her knee and tore her meniscus.  She ended up having to have knee surgery the week before we left to come back to Beijing.  I was happy that I could be there to help my mom while she was laid up and help out with my dad.  It is times like these that remind us of just how precious family is and how caring and supportive our parents were to us our whole lives.  My siblings and I are so lucky to have been raised by 2 of the most loving, caring people that I know, so it feels good to be able to return the favor a bit. 
Despite the knee debacle, my mom still was able to get around some and cook up some wicked good food for all of us, which was good because my baby brother and his family came into town for the 4th to celebrate with all of us (and Prince Jarred likes his mama's cooking)!  We  just had an excellent time together!  The cousins got to play, I got to meet my beautiful baby nephew, and for a brief time, I felt like a kid again just by getting to be with my sister and brother.  It is always special when we can all get together, so this time we decided to take a picture so it would last longer.  One of my friends from high school took some great shots of the whole fam damnly.  (I will share a few below.)
Between all of the company and chaos, we still found time to get the girls to 2 weeks of different soccer camps, do tumbling a couple times a week, and get Ella to horseback riding lessons twice a week.  Whew!  That almost makes me tired just typing that!  When we weren't doing that we were running between doctors and dentist appointments, hair cuts, shopping to stock up on some much needed items to bring back to Beijing with us, and visiting as many friends as possible.  (To those of you that we didn't get to see, I am truly sorry.  Next time my friends!)
I am just going to show you some of the great things we did this summer!
My niece Isabel, Ella and baby D

Ella cantering with Lakota.

Ella loved Lakota and can't wait to go back a learn to "jump" with him. YIKES!

Family pictures

The Wilson's (minus my big brothers family, wish they could have been here)
Ella and her best buddy Kendall got to do soccer camps and swimming together!

Ella and her friends from school got to tumble together!

Ella flipping out!

Julia catching some air time!
The lovely little ladies!  Cute cousins!

Me and my latest fave beverage....squirt Jose!

This is what happens when little girls are bored and ask you to play beauty salon.  Note:  You do NOT brush naturally curly hair.....EVER!  Good grief!

Day at the pool!

sweet sisterly love


Ella Claire coming down the slide!

Julia got to hang with some of her buds from her old school.

A day at the farm.  Nothing better than puppy kisses.

Julia and Daisy

Ella getting her fingers slimed!  Bleck!

Julia playing pacifier to a baby calf.

My sweet sister!  Love her!

Hanging with some good friends!

Julia giving it her best shot at bull riding, at the fair!

Ella was up next and held on for dear life!

Fun riding the rides!

Ella messing around in a military tank.

The fair really wore them out!

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